Inner Child Wvrk

Inner Child Wvrk

Here then, we arrive at the essential work.

We deliberately close our eyes, and go back to our past, trying our best to remember uncomfortable childhood experiences, especially those long-suppressed ones.


It’s recommended to do these with your fellow loved ones, or your therapist.

Either way, be prepared to feel exactly how you felt when you were 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18 … whenever the trauma may have visited you, and you did your best to resist it, closing your heart further.

At those moments of trial, the whole world fades away, and the only thing that exists… is you, and your inner child.
It hurts, it will cause swells of tears, the darkness of uncertainty, you’ll feel it in your whole your body.

And then, from the perspective of a loving adult human, you then approach your inner child.
You caress it and express to the best of your ability, what’s going on, why it’s happening, and how much you love your inner child.
Be the best and most ideal parent to yourself.

It’s in those moments of equanimity, love, and goodwill towards yourself, that true healing comes about.

As if by a miracle, you return back the surface of your now-self, and not only feel a huge sense of relief, but you also find that a huge block has been lifted from your pathway.

This is the Inner Child Wvrk.

Illustration of split screen black and white, of black holes
Artwork by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Ana Kova

I’m adding a few resources that were pivotal on my journey towards understanding, appreciating, healing, and opening of my heart.

Healing The Shame That Binds You – John Bradshaw

A book that I’ve been returning to again and again, revealing the truth of my inner child, and shame-based upbringing.

It felt like I was understood for the first time in my life.

The Completion Process – Teal Swan

The book that my girlfriend put into my hands when I was having my downwards spirals.

I was the first spark that eventually lead to healing.

The Gene Keys – Richard Rudd

An absolute wonderful piece of work that seems to stretch beyond our imagination.

A teaching based on the I-Ching and the fact that our attitude towards life changes the outcome of our actions.

The Venus Sequence in particular, was of utmost value in my journey towards healing, as it beautifully articulated the conditioning that I was going through in my first 21 years of my life.

The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

This book convinced me that there’s nothing wrong with me, and that perhaps I might have artistic capability, despite my parent’s nonsupporting snide attitude towards my interests and creation.

The book introduces the reader to Morning Doodles, which were (and still are) absolutely essential to shut down the inner critic, in favour of the creative spirit.

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Meditation is probably the most important part of my transformation.

To give this meditation technique a fair chance, I recommend a 10-day course from

High Magick – Damien Echols

A most misunderstood topic is Magick, whose spiritual practices and visualization techniques have grounded me on Earth like no other spiritual practice.

If used with care, and sensibility, Magick reveals itself as the Science of Sciences, on which most religions of the world are based on.

I definitely recommend Damien’s book on the subject as he re-instigates prevalent rituals without all the Egyptian baggage often thrown on it.

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