Mvriana Trench

Mvriana Trench

Mariana Trench is the deepest point on Earth.
Symbolically, this track is the travel towards the deepest point of the soul.
The Demon’s Paradise, if you will.

“Welcome To My Domain”

Just for the record, the word “Demon” comes from the Greek word “Daimon”, which means hidden influence.

A demon is an invisible, an occluded force, influence, or group of thoughts, which influence our actions, or other thoughts.

What we’re diving into are associations and habits, which are mostly unconscious to the untrained mind.

At the physical level, a human is the result of nature and nurture.

So the choices which my grandfathers made, together with their collective peers, were eventually passed as cultural values to my father, whose choices and collective influences were passed onto me.

Diving into Mariana Trench is thus not a mere “deep dive into one’s soul”.

It’s a deep dive into my culture, the inertia of my DNA pool, and lastly into the ancient history of the whole of humanity.

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